In the truck. Open the glovebox and examine it to find the lighter. Examine the seat, lift the catch and the seat to find the scissor jack. Leave the truck and examine the back of the truck to find the bar and the rope.

Go South until you get the message about the old ladies to where you see Old Joey. Old Joey refuses to converse with you until you stand on the cockroach. If you then ask him something he'll give you some advice.

Go South into the Diner and ask Georgio about McTear. You can't go South or West at this time but Georgio will allow you to visit the Toilet! Try it and see. On no account drink the coffee as it is poisoned! Go North out of the Diner and Georgio leaves, locks up and goes away.

At this point you should follow him to glean vital information. If you don't follow him, then he returns to the Diner. After following him you should return to the road and turn down the Alleyway. Go to the bottom where you should find Joey.

If you give him the medal he allows you to enter the back door of the Diner. Move the bins to discover McTear's wallet. Examine the wallet to find the cash. Go North into the Diner then west into the other room. Examine the fridge to find the meat and open the cupboard.

Examine the cupboard to find the two bottles. At this point you must put some of the drops into the cough bottle and leave the cough bottle in this room for Georgio to find. If you drink from the drops you are poisoned. Go East and attempt to go South.

At this point Wagonwheel appears and rolls a flaming wheel at you! Unless you do the correct thing immediately, then the flames get you. You should catch the wheel then immediately roll it back at Wagonwheel. When he vanishes, the flaming wheel turns into a tiny wheel.

Go South and East. If you then re-enter the back door of the Diner at a later time, you discover Georgio beating up on Old Joey. If you go away and do nothing, then Joey refuses to help you ever again! You should stop Georgio and Joey thanks you.

You cannot re-enter the Diner after this. If at any time you fight Joey then he will not help in the future. Likewise with Bert McKechnie. If you kill anyone in the game then you are lynched by the mob! (The one exception to this rule is with Bert Willy - see later!).

Return to the road and go East. Lift the litter to find the brooch. You should return the brooch to the Sherrif who gives you an invitation to see The Carvelle Sisters. If you returned the brooch before meeting Wagonwheel, then the Sherrif DOESN'T give you the invitation but if you subsequently meet Wagonwheel then return to the Sherrif and talk to him - THEN he gives you the invitation!!

If you enter the Library and attempt to go into the Museum, Willy stops you. So go to the Old House. Examine the door to find the intercom and press the button. When the Butler asks if that is Mr. Masterson, you should reply "Yes". If you don't have the invitation he asks a different question!

When he appears and asks for your invitation, you should show it to him. He then ushers you into the Drawing Room. If you then show The Carvelles the small wheel, they give you a ticket for the Museum and advice about an old diary.

Return to the Library and go South into the Museum. Willy will not permit you to touch anything but if you open the window then when he rushes to close it you can open the desk to find the diary. Leave the Library and you see them come out and lock up so you can't get back in this way.

Enter the Alleyway and go South to the location with the window. If you examine the alley here, you find a ladder. If you put the ladder against the wall and attempt to climb then the ladder breaks! If you attempt to go out onto the road carrying the ladder you are arrested on suspicion of burglary and thrown into a Cell. All your possessions are removed with the exception of the pencil and lighter. After a few moves, the Sherrif appears and asks if you want a burger. You should reply "No" and he tosses you a sandwich in a wrapping paper.

At this point if you hang around too long, Georgio appears with some drugged coffee for the Sherrif and you've had it! You should write on the wrapping paper with the pencil, put the lighter in the wrapping to weight it and throw it out of the window. (If you peered through the window previously you would have seen the Carvelle Sisters). If you have previously been to see them and have been arrested for a crime other than murder then they bail you out. If you are arrested a second time then you have had it again!

Locate Joey and with direction commands tell him to go to the Alleyway where the window is. He may or may not do as you wish. At the Alleyway you should climb onto Joey's shoulders to get in through the window. Go North to the Library and open the desk to find the combination code.

Return to the Museum and get the stave. (If you had read the diary this would have given you the clue). Unlock the case and open it at which point both Whiplash and Wagonwheel appear. Whiplash cracks a whip so you should immediately raise the stave. Then Wagonwheel charges at you. You should fight him with the stave to get rid of him. Get the whip and climb out of the window.

Go to the Barn and enter it. A shot is fired. You then get the message about Willy pointing his gun at you. If you're not quick enough then he kills you. You should use the whip to knock the gun out of his hand. You must then get the gun and kill him. If you then go out and move along the road, you are caught. So you should cover Willy with straw.

Head for the Garage and go in. You can't get into the Office at this point so examine under the car to find the legs. Pull the legs and Bert McKechnie appears. Say to him "Follow me" and he follows you to the truck. Say to him "Examine the truck" and he tells you how much it will cost to repair. If you have got the 90 dollars cash then give it to him.

If the truck is at the original location he tells you that it will cost an extra 10 dollars to tow it to the garage. You don't have any more money so he goes away. Find Joey and get him to the truck. Enter the truck and release the handbrake. Tell Joey to push the truck and it ends up at the Garage. Go into the Garage and into the Office and hang up the keys on the rack. At a later date, McKechnie takes the keys and goes off to repair the truck. When the keys re-appear on the rack, the truck has been repaired so get the keys. Any attempt to drive off results in you being falsely arrested for the murder of McTear.

At this point head for the fence and gates. Any attempt to climb over the fence or gates or to climb the tree results in you being torn apart by the dogs. Enter the kiosk and put the wheel in the slot. You must then go West and North. You only have TWO MOVES before the gates slam shut. At this point you can't move South again.

From the clue given when you followed Georgio you should wait until the dogs lie down beside you and then go North to the Clearing. If you choose to go East to the back of the building you find some scrub. Pushing that aside reveals a barred window. You can use the jack to prise open the bars and pull McTear out. However, if you do this and then return to the Clearing you are discovered by the 'Gathering' and you both die.

This is not the correct way to get McTear out. Return to the Clearing and go North into the Warehouse. The door slams shut behind you and after only a few moves a whip lashes around your throat! The only means of escape is to climb up the whip but you must do this TWICE. Fail and you choke to death. At this point if you have not put the drops in the cough bottle or left the cough bottle where you found it, then Georgio gets you.

Examine the Warehouse to reveal the loose bricks and examine the brick to find the robe. Get it and move the wood across the EASTERN doorway. Go in, open the trapdoor and pull McTear out. If you go down into the Cellar, you are captured. You must now wear the robe (it is Willy's robe!). Go out. If you are NOT wearing the robe then the 'Gathering' see you and that's that! If you have not killed Willy and covered his body then he confronts you because it is his robe.

Go to the Clearing where McTear is taken to the wheel, and Whiplash and Wagonwheel appear again. To get rid of them for good throw the whip into the fire. Put the drops onto the meat and go South. If you wait to allow the dogs to lie down then the 'Gathering' catch up with you. So throw the meat and the dogs run off to the bushes and it drugs them for a short time.

If you haven't put the drops on the meat then you've had it. Go South all the way back to the truck and enter it. You should immediately lock the door or the 'Gathering' will get you. If you then take too long to make good your escape, the 'Gathering' smash the window and get you!!

Put the keys into the ignition and start the engine. If the truck has been repaired, then you're O.K. If you, at any time, fight with McKechnie then the truck will not be repaired.

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